The appropriate diet for blood type (A)
As the number of people to feed increases, competition for game; So man began a new migration. So he left Africa to Europe and Asia in search of meat, and began searching for another type of food. He began a diet based on ingredients from wild blueberries, such as raspberries, grasses, roots, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and small animals. As they moved north, their skin color became more and more light. Light white skin resists the effects of frost and ice more than dark skin, and is able to convert vitamin D produced by sunlight in a better way. Better. As a result of these new environmental conditions, blood type A appeared somewhere in Asia. Blood type “A” represents the first immigrants who adapted to the new environmental conditions in the diaspora, and relied for their food on agriculture, which taught them cooperation and unity with others, instead of the spirit of competition. And the fighting that characterized those with blood type A who relied on hunting and fighting. Even to our time, blood type A is still more common among Western Europeans, and the number of people carrying this type decreases as we move eastward, away from Western Europe. This type also exists. In Asia, Japan has one of the largest population groups that carry the “A” blood type in the East Asian region. Note that each blood type inherited its genetic characteristics from the ancestors from the beginning of human life until the present time, and each type was distinguished by characteristics and characteristics that will remain engraved. In the nucleus of every cell in our bodies forever and ever, to bequeath it to our children and grandchildren.
The appropriate nutritional plan for blood type A
General characteristics of people with this type: 1- He grows fruits and plants. 2- He reaps what he sows. 3- He gets along well. With everything that is natural, and is not compatible with processed foods, or those with added chemicals or preservatives. 4- They adapt well to their eating habits and environmental conditions that suit them. 5- They tolerate psychological stress better if they adopt effective means of relaxation. 6- They need plant food to remain thin and able to produce.
The “A” type diet
A person with blood type “A” is active and productive if he follows a vegetarian diet. It is an inherited trait. His ancestors are farmers who settled in their lands and abandoned wars. Those with the sensitive “A” type should obtain as much natural food as possible, as this particular type requires those who carry it to choose fresh, pure, organic food free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. People who carry this type if They follow the diet designated for them, which is compatible with them. They can strengthen their immune system and prevent serious diseases that threaten them. They are vulnerable to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. But contracting these diseases is not inevitable; There are positive inheritances that people with type A carry from their ancestors: the ability to use the best that nature can offer to their advantage.
Is meat suitable for people with blood type "A"?
If people with this type want to be protected from diseases and maintain their health as they should, they should To eliminate all types of meat from their diet and replace it with plant foods to obtain the best possible results from this system. If giving up the meat they love is difficult for them, they can initially: gradually reduce the number of meat meals while choosing the lowest-fat cuts, noting that poultry meat is better than Red meat. They should replace meat with fish several times a week. They should use a grill to cook meat. They should completely avoid processed meats such as pastrami, hot dogs, beef, luncheon meat, sausage, and cold cuts. These products contain nitrite, which contributes to the emergence of stomach cancer in people who have low levels of acid in the stomach, and this is one of the characteristics of people with type A blood.
Harmless meat:
Chicken meat, turkey meat, local rooster meat.
Rabbit meat - goose meat - duck meat. Beef - minced beef - heart - liver. Quail meat. Lamb - veal. Buffalo meat - lamb - venison meat. Pastrami - sausage. – Hamburger – Polobeef.
Can people with type A blood eat fish instead of meat from animals that are incompatible with them?!
In general, people with type A can eat fish instead of meat from animals that are incompatible with them? Blood “A” should eat fish and sea animals in small quantities 3-4 times a week. However, they should avoid eating the meat of white fish: such as plaice and flounder; This type of fish contains lectins that can irritate the sensitive digestive system of type “A” fish.
Very useful fish and marine animals:
•River carp - silver perch. - Cod - rainbow fish - marine snails - yellow fish - mackerel / salmon - sardines - river perch.
Harmless fish and seafood:
Abalone (shell) - shark. Sea perch - river fish. White perch - river pike, snapper - yellow-tailed fish. Swordfish. Winch. Tuna.
Anchovies (anchovies) – blue sea bass. Caviar – barracuda – white dolphin. Cape oysters – lobster – shrimp. ) - Lobster. Plaice - Gray plaice - Flounder. Smoked salmon - Striped sea bass. Squid (squid) - Octopus - Haddock. Oysters - Halibut.
Are dairy products and eggs compatible with this group?!!
People with this group should avoid all products prepared from whole milk and its products. People with blood type A can eat small portions of fermented milk products, such as yogurt and cheese. .) Low in fat. As for eggs, they should also reduce their intake, and eat only free-range eggs produced from poultry raised in the traditional natural way, and this will happen from time to time. This transition from milk products and eggs will certainly require quite a while; Most of our food dishes contain eggs, dairy, butter, and cream, such as: all kinds of gateau, cakes, biscuits, various sweets, pasta, fried foods, and... Those with blood type A should choose yoghurt and local cheeses. As for unpasteurized goat’s milk, it is a good alternative to... Commercial full-fat milk. Soy milk and cheeses made from soybeans are an excellent alternative to processed milks and cheeses; Soy products are very beneficial for type “A” blood. People with type “A” are unable to digest most types of milk and its derivatives, and the reason for this is very simple, which is that type “A” blood produces antibodies to the basic sugar from which milk is made, i.e. D-galactosamine. People with blood type “A” who suffer from allergies or problems in the digestive system should be aware that milk greatly increases the amount of mucus they secrete, noting that blood type A secretes more mucus fluids than other types. It is known that excessive mucus secretions It leads to allergic reactions, infections, and respiratory problems, and this is another good reason for people with type A to limit the servings of milk and its derivatives that they consume.
Very useful cheeses and dairy:
Soy – soy milk. Harmless cheeses, dairy and sweeteners. White local cheeses (halloumi, feta, akkawi...). Low-fat mozzarella. Yogurt – goat cheese and dairy. Low-fat ricotta. – Yogurt with fruits. Goat’s milk – Ice cream with yogurt.
• American cheese - cheese made from milk cream (double cream). • Blue cheese (Roquefort) - casein. Cheddar - butter - buttermilk. • Ice cream made from milk - cream cheese. • Cheese Swiss - whey resulting from cheese making. Drinks prepared with milk - whole milk.
How do people with type “A” deal with fats and oils?!!
Type A only needs a little fat to perform its functions properly. They can add a tablespoon of olive oil to a salad or steamed vegetables, which helps them digest food well and get rid of waste. It is known that olive oil It is a monounsaturated fat. It has a positive effect on the heart and helps lower cholesterol levels, unlike the beneficial oils of this type. In fact, there are two types of oil that are beneficial for those with type “A”: olive oil and linseed oil. Olive oil is considered tastier and is suitable for For cooking more than flaxseed oil.
Very useful oils:
• Flax seed oil - olive oil. Harmless oils and sweeteners. Canola oil - fish liver oil.
• Corn oil - safflower oil. Cotton seed oil - sesame oil (serge). Peanut oil (pistachio). Sunflower oil.
Are seeds and nuts beneficial for people with type A?!!
People with type A can obtain nutrients that are important to them from Ways to eat nuts and seeds, such as: pumpkin seeds, safflower seeds, almonds, and walnuts, especially since they only eat a small amount of animal proteins. People with type “A” should eat nuts and seeds because they contain important proteins and lectin that fights cancerous diseases. The best type of nuts is beans. Sudanese (Ubaid pistachios), preferably eaten in their (inner) shell. If a type A individual suffers from gallbladder (bile) problems, he should be satisfied with a small amount of pistachio butter or other nuts) instead of whole nuts.
Very useful nuts and seeds:
Pistachio nuts - pumpkin seeds. Peanuts (pistachio nuts).
Harmless nuts and seeds:
•Almond butter - hazelnuts - almonds. Walnuts - pine nuts - acorns. Chestnuts - sesame - sesame butter (tahini). Increased sunflower seeds - sunflower seeds.
Brazil nuts - cashews. Pistachios, hazelnuts.
Are grains and legumes foods compatible with people with type A?
We mentioned previously about the general characteristics of people with blood type “A” that they represent the human type. The first vegetarian, who relied for his food on the fruits and plants he harvested. He is familiar with everything that is natural, and is not compatible with manufactured foods or those with chemicals or preservatives added to them. Therefore, the people of this species are compatible in their diet with the proteins found in grains, legumes, and other natural plants. In addition to soybeans and products made from it, many types of grains and legumes provide a rich source of nutritious proteins.
Not all types of grains and legumes are beneficial for you; Some of them contain lectins that can cause a decline in insulin production, which often leads to obesity and diabetes. These harmful types include red, green, and white kidney beans and large-bean chickpeas.
Very useful beans and legumes:
Red lentils - local lentils. • Cowpeas or black eyes - green beans. Dry beans with black spot, soybeans.
Harmless beans and legumes:
Green beans. Green peas with their pods. Green broad beans - dried beans. White beans - green peas.
Small white beans.• Large-bean chickpeas.• Red beans - red kidney beans.• Lupins.
Can people with type “A” eat bread and cereals freely?
Grains and seeds are generally compatible with people with type “A”; Therefore, it is possible to eat it once or more a day. They should choose whole grains that are hard, and avoid those that are processed and quickly prepared. They should also eat wheat grains, soybeans, corn flour, and whole oat grains. Those who suffer from excessive mucus secretions due to asthma or recurrent infections should do so. To reduce his consumption of wheat; It is known that wheat causes the production of mucous fluids. They should test themselves to determine the amount of wheat they can eat. Bread and cake are not considered harmful foods, but if they are among the people who suffer from excessive mucus secretions, or are overweight; Whole wheat will not be suitable for them, and they can then replace it with soy flour.
Very useful grains and types of bread:
Buckwheat. Soy flour. Rice flour. Amaranth. Wide pasta made from buckwheat flour. Oat flour - rice flour. Sprouted wheat bread - Sprouted wheat bread with raisins.
Harmless grains, rice and bread:
• Wheat - puffed rice. Barley - barley bran - sesame. • Corn flakes - brown rice, corn flour, oats and wheat. • Oat bran - cream of couscous rice - basmati rice. • Flour Barley - bulgur. White rice - durum wheat flour - wild rice.
• Wheat germ. The seven grains (in bread). Coarse bulgur - wheat bran. Protein-fortified bread - Seven-grain bread. Cake made from wheat bran - whole wheat bread. White flour. Pasta made from White wheat flour. Type A people find a great variety of options in cereals and pastas; These foods constitute an excellent source of plant proteins, and they can provide a large number of nutrients that a type A person will not get from animal proteins. Therefore, we advise those with type A to eat whole grains, which are rich in nutritional benefits.
Vegetables are of great importance to those with blood type “A.” What is this importance?!
Vegetables are an essential component of the diet for type “A” blood. “; It provides this type with minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. It is recommended to eat vegetables while they are still in their natural, fresh state (raw or steamed) to preserve all their benefits. People with type “A” can eat most types of vegetables, but they must be careful of some. Types of peppers Green irritates the stomach of the sensitive type “A” and is therefore incompatible with it. The same goes for fermented and pickled olives; it is not suitable for this type. This type is not compatible with the lectins found in potatoes, sweet potatoes and cabbage. Tomatoes are not compatible with those with this type, because the lectins present It has a very harmful effect on the digestive system. Tomatoes are a very unique food, and they contain lectins called: Panhemaglutinan: that is, their lectins make blood cells gather and stick together, regardless of their type. We advise you to eat green broccoli (cauliflower), because it contains very useful antioxidants: strengthen The immune system, and prevents abnormal cell division (cancer). Other excellent vegetables for those with type A include carrots, leafy vegetables, turnips, pumpkin, and spinach. Garlic is considered a good food for this type, and care should be taken in eating it. It is a natural antibiotic, and an effective tonic for the immune system and blood. All blood types benefit from garlic, but type “A” benefits the most because its immune system does not resist a number of diseases that garlic can help heal. Yellow onions also strengthen the immune system; Because it contains antioxidants, the most important food in the type A diet is of course soy cheese and tofu. Tofu is a complete, satiating food, and its price is not expensive.
Very useful vegetables:
• Lemon - mustard leaves (mustard). Avocado - green onions - fern. • Artichokes. Garlic - onions. Swiss chard - broccoli - turnips. Parsley - carrots. Honey squash - chicory. Leeks. – Radish – Common lettuce – Leafy vegetables – Rhubarb – Dandelion. Okra – Spinach – Tofu – Kale.
Harmless vegetables:
Beets - red chicory - Andalusian leeks. Caraway - young broccoli - lettuce. Yellow turnip - cauliflower - young sprouted beans. Celery - young radish plants. White corn - yellow corn - cucumber.
Red (cayenne and sweet) peppers - Green peppers (cayenne and sweet). Red cabbage - fermented black olives. Yellow peppers - white cabbage. Tomatoes. Greek olives - Eggplant - Fermented Spanish olives. Potatoes - Sweet potatoes .Red kidney beans.
Do fruits help or harm people with blood type "A"?!
People with blood type "A" should eat fruits three times a day They are allowed to eat most types of fruits, with preference to those that are less acidic than others, such as: berries, peaches, and plums, to achieve balance with the grains they eat, which make muscle tissues tend toward acidity. They should avoid eating cantaloupes that are green on the inside, yellow on the outside, and orange cantaloupes on the inside. And the gray exterior and cantaloupe; Although they are alkaline, meaning they are not acidic, the high level of mold they cause makes them difficult for type A to digest. Therefore, if you are of this type, avoid eating these types of fruits, and you can eat other types of cantaloupes on the list of harmless fruits, but from time to time. For another, type “A” is also not compatible with tropical fruits: such as mango and papaya. Although these two fruits contain a digestive enzyme that is useful for other blood types, this enzyme is not useful for the digestive system of type “A”, while pineapple is excellent and helps the type “A”. “A” People with the “A” type should avoid eating oranges, even if it is their favorite fruit, as oranges irritate their stomach and prevent the absorption of important minerals. People with this type can eat grapefruit, kiwi, and lemon, as they are compatible with people with this type, and it has a positive effect on their stomach, and helps It supports digestion, and is rich in vitamin C, one of the most important antioxidants, which protects especially against stomach cancer. Bananas are considered one of the fruits that are incompatible with this species, as they contain lectins that hinder the digestive process in this species... Therefore, it is recommended to replace them with other fruits rich in potassium. Including apricots, figs, and some types of yellow watermelon (cantaloupe).
Very useful fruits:
Apricots of all kinds.• Cranberries - pineapple.• Raspberries - fresh figs - black peaches.• Blueberries (blackberries - dried figs - green peaches.• Grapefruit - red peaches - plums). Cherries of all kinds - lemons - prunes.
Harmless fruits:
Apples of all kinds. Small oranges - green sour lemons. Guava - pears - kiwi. Dates - raisins - raspberries. Long yellow cantaloupe - Orange cantaloupe from the inside. Black grapes - green grapes. Red grapes. Red watermelon - pomegranate - strawberry - guava - fruit jam. Coconut - papaya - mango. Orange cantaloupe from the inside. Yellow on the outside - green cantaloupe from the inside. Tangerine - Rhubarb. < h4> Avoid: Bananas - oranges of all kinds.
What are the most important juices compatible with people with type “A” blood?!
People with blood type “A” should start their day with a small cup of lukewarm water, squeezed. It contains half a lemon; this recipe helps them get rid of the mucous secretions that have accumulated in their sluggish digestive system throughout the night. To get rid of harmful waste naturally, it is preferable for them to drink the juice of low-acid alkaline fruits: such as black cherry syrup diluted with water, while avoiding the types of juice that add It has a lot of sugar; It increases acidity.
Very useful juices and liquids:
Apricot juice - grapefruit juice. Carrot juice - pineapple juice. Celery juice - peaches. Black cherry juice - lemon juice.
Harmless juice and liquids:
Apple juice - grape juice. Cucumber juice - juice of recommended vegetables. Cranberry juice - white Chinese cabbage juice.
Orange juice - papaya juice - tomato juice.
Are tea, coffee, and other drinks compatible with people of this type?!
Coffee is a beneficial drink for those with type A; it increases stomach acidity, and it contains the same yeasts that are found in soybeans. To benefit from the benefits of coffee and green tea together, green tea is consumed once, and coffee the next time. People with this type of tea should avoid it. This group includes all other drinks, as they are not suitable for their digestive system, and do not strengthen their immune system, and they are of course supposed to drink pure water as much as they want.
Very useful drinks:
Coffee with or without caffeine - green tea.
Cola - Diet soft drinks Dite Other soft drinks Black tea with or without caffeine Spices, seasonings, flavored herbs and sweeteners
Do you eat spices and condiments? Beneficial for this type?
People with blood type A need herbs, spices, and condiments as stimulating agents for their immune system. An example of this is that spices derived from soybeans are very beneficial for blood type A. If you are afraid of the sodium (salt) that these products contain You can find low-salt types in the markets. Molasses (molasses) is an excellent source of iron. It is a mineral that is lacking in the diet for blood type A. Seaweed contains a high percentage of iodine and many other minerals. On the other hand, vinegar should be avoided because it causes irritation in the stomach lining. You are not forbidden to eat sugar and chocolate, as long as you eat it in very small quantities. Reduce the amount of white sugar you consume, as recent studies have shown that the functioning of the immune system slows down in the hours following consumption of refined white sugar.
Very useful spices, flavorings, and sweeteners:
•Garlic - molasses - soy sauce - ginger Spices, flavoring seasonings, and harmless sweeteners: • Corn syrup, sweet pepper - seven spices. Rice syrup - cumin - rosemary. Anise - curry - saffron - salt. White sugar - carob - tamarind. French parsley - nutmeg. Thyme - cinnamon. - Turmeric - Vanilla.
Coriander - Parsley - Cornstarch. Capers - Apple cider vinegar. Gelatin (gel) - White grape vinegar (balsamic). Ground black pepper. Ground black pepper. Red cayenne pepper - White spices. Red vinegar - white vinegar.
Seasonings and sauces
It is not recommended for any blood type to eat ready-made seasoning sauces, and those who carry Blood type A” should be avoided, especially those containing pickles or vinegar; The low level of stomach acidity among people of this type does not allow them to eat such products.
Harmless spices, flavorings and sweeteners:
Murdard – salad dressings if they are prepared with suitable ingredients and low in fat.
Ketchup - mayonnaise - pickles.
What about medicinal herbs and blood type “A”?!
Type A requires herbs that activate the immune system; Most of the predisposition factors for diseases related to type A are linked to the problem of their slow immune system, and in this context some herbs can greatly help in strengthening the immune system of this type. Hawthorn is a tonic for the heart and arteries, while green tea is very rich in important antioxidants that protect Digestive system from cancer. It is also necessary for those with type A to increase acid secretions in their stomach because their percentage is very low. There is an herb such as ginger that increases stomach acidity, while plant sedatives such as chamomile take on the task of removing psychological stress, so the next time When you feel exhausted, prepare yourself a jug of useful plants and herbs.
Very useful herbs:
Ginger - St. John's wort - burdock (dove head) - ginseng - chamomile - green tea - echinacea - hawthorn - fenugreek.
Harmless herbs:
• Licorice - sage - linden. • Berries - senna (senna) - gentian. Parsley - thyme - lion's tooth. Sage - hazelnut.
•Cat mint - corn cobs. Rhubarb - red cayenne pepper. • Red cloves.
Nutritional supplements recommended for blood type "A"
Nutritional supplements fulfill their role, whether they are vitamins, minerals, or herbs; It provides the body with the nutrients it lacks, or its diet lacks. In addition, these supplements provide the body with additional protection from diseases wherever it needs protection. Nutritional supplements are necessary for type A because they help achieve the following goals: strengthening the immune system. Providing the body with antioxidants that fight cancerous diseases. Preventing infections of all kinds.
What are the most important beneficial nutritional supplements for this type?!
Vitamin B:
People with type “A” suffer from a severe deficiency in vitamin B12, as their diet lacks this nutrient, which It is available in animal proteins, and it is also difficult for this group to absorb the vitamin B12 that they take because the stomach of this group “A” lacks the intrinsic factor (and the intrinsic factor: is a substance produced by the stomach membrane that helps absorb vitamin B12 and transport it to the blood). Severe vitamin B12 deficiency causes advanced people in A type A diet causes dementia and other neurological disorders in old age. A type A diet contains a sufficient percentage of the other B vitamins, but a type A person who suffers from anemia may need to take a nutritional supplement in the form of folic acid pills. FOLIC ACID.
Vitamin C:
It is very useful for people of type “A” to take additional doses of vitamin C, especially since they are more susceptible than other types to developing stomach cancer, due to the low acidity level in their stomach. An example of this is the substance nitrite littite: Which is added as a preservative to preserved meat and fish, and is known to be a carcinogen, and this substance is considered a serious problem for those who carry the “type” because its ability to cause cancer is doubled in people who have low levels of stomach acidity, and it is known that vitamin C It is one of the antioxidants - it is known to reduce the risk of this problem. However, those with type “A” should avoid eating preserved, smoked and processed meats. Be careful of large doses of this vitamin, as I have discovered that those who belong to type “A” High doses of vitamin C (1000 mg or more) are not suitable for him because they harm his stomach. People of this type should take 3-4 vitamin C pills during the day, at a dose of 250 mg, or 250 mg. This amount should not cause you any problems in Stomach.
Foods rich in vitamin C that are beneficial for type A:
• Berries of all kinds, cherries, grapefruit, lemon, pineapple, broccoli.
Vitamin E
There is evidence indicating that the vitamin protects against both cancer and heart disease, which are two diseases that type A is more susceptible to than other types. Therefore, we advise you to take vitamin E, but do not exceed 400 international units per day.
Foods rich in vitamin E that are beneficial for type A:
Vegetable oils, whole grains, peanuts (pistachios), green leafy vegetables.
Taking additional doses of calcium is not as urgent in this type as it is in the “A” group; the diet for type “A” includes some products made from milk. It is recommended that you take a dose of calcium ranging between 300 – 600 mg. Starting from the age of forty and above. As for the worst source of calcium for type “A,” it is ready-made and available more than others, which is calcium carbonate, which is often found in antacid medications. This type of calcium requires a high percentage of acidity in the stomach in order to be absorbed. In general, people with Type A can take Calcium Gluconate, and it benefits them more than Calcium Citrate, and the best for them of all is Calcium Lactate.
Foods rich in calcium that are beneficial for Type A:
• Yoghurt. - Salmon - Soy milk - Sardines in Hasakah - Broccoli - Goat's milk - Spinach.
Iron is lacking in the diet for blood type A, as iron is more abundant in red meat, so women who carry the blood type should eat it. “To provide themselves with a sufficient reserve of iron. People with this type should avoid raw iron preparations: iron sulphate, which can irritate their stomach. Foods rich in iron that are beneficial for type “A”: • Whole grains - beans - molasses.
Herbs and phytochemical elements beneficial to the “A” group
An excellent tonic for the heart and arteries, and for those of the “A” group. A" to add it to their diet if they suffer from heart disease, or have a genetic predisposition to heart disease. This chemical compound, which has a great protective ability against heart disease, is found in the hawthorn tree, and it has amazing positive effects on the heart and arteries: Hawthorn increases the elasticity of the arteries, strengthens the heart, and it also lowers blood pressure and gently dissolves the fat accumulated inside the arteries.
Herbs to strengthen the immune system:
The immune system of type A tends to tolerate types of immune-related infections, but there are plants and herbs that gently strengthen the immune system: including red echinacea, which protects against colds and influenza, and can help Supporting the immune surveillance system, which detects cancerous malignancies.
Soothing herbs:
People with type A can take plant sedatives such as chamomile and valerian root to combat psychological stress.
Sports that are beneficial for blood type “A”:
People with type “A” should practice sports that help relax and concentrate, and the best types of sports for them are those that are energizing without exhausting: such as walking, swimming, and riding a bicycle. I do not mean that they should abstain from exercising that makes them sweat, but rather that the best sport for them is the one that makes them fit in physically and intellectually. If they practice violent sports that involve competition, it will exhaust their nervous energy, make their nerves tense again, and leave their immune system open to diseases. Type “A” cannot tolerate constant confrontation with factors causing psychological stress and needs scientific thinking and practicing the arts of relaxation and calm as a way to soothe the nerves. If people of type “A” do not do anything to overcome their originally tense state, it can result in psychological pressure that They are exposed to heart disease and various types of cancer, but exercises that give them calm and help them focus release them from the tight grip of psychological pressure.
The following are types of sports that Type A people are advised to practice:

How can people with blood type “A” lose weight?!! If they adhere to the diet for type “A” that we previously presented, they will lose weight. Excess weight occurs naturally. When people with blood type A eat red, they feel lazy and are less active than if they eat plant proteins. When people with blood type A reduce their intake of meat, their body begins to get rid of excess fat. Type A stores meat in the form of fat, and this is why This is because their acids are very low. Type A people also find it difficult to digest milk and its derivatives; This type of food causes a disturbance in insulin secretion, which constitutes an important factor in slowing down the metabolism, in addition to the fact that milk and its derivatives contain a high percentage of saturated fats that harm the heart and lead to excessive obesity and diabetes. Wheat, especially whole wheat: not The peel reduces the efficiency of insulin, which stimulates weight gain. Therefore, it is preferable to reduce the consumption of wheat and its derivatives as much as possible.
Important advice:
People with blood type “A” should eat a variety of foods, and balance between vegetables and grains. They should also pay attention to some types of food. Some of them stimulate weight gain, while others work toward weight loss.
Here is a simplified list of some foods and their relationship to weight gain or loss:
A suggested nutritional program for people with blood type (A): h3> Breakfast:
A cup of lemonade (water + lemon juice). One boiled egg or a cup of low-fat yogurt. + Coffee or any herbal drink. Additional meal:
A cup of grapefruit juice or fruit juice (from the permitted fruits). Lunch:
Green salad (a variety of allowed vegetables) + salmon. Or Greek salad (lettuce + celery + onion + goat cheese + lemon) + vegetable soup. Additional meal:
Fruit yogurt + green tea. Dinner:
A rooster or turkey breast + sprouted bean soup + a herbal drink. Avoid foods that are not allowed in your diet. And continue to exercise as allowed for you.